Nice to meet you.My name is twotone.
I live in north Saitama and work at Website Design Company.
Nice to meet you. My name is Twotone. I live in northern Saitama and work at a website design company.
“My name is twotone” の “twotone” を “Twotone” に変更(名前の最初の文字は大文字)。
“north Saitama” を “northern Saitama” に変更(より自然な表現)。
“Website Design Company” を “a website design company” に変更(一般的な会社名ではないため、小文字にして冠詞を追加)。
英語では、地域や場所を形容する際に “northern” のような形容詞を使うことが一般的です。例えば、“northern Japan” や “southern California” などです。これにより、場所の特定の部分を指す表現がより自然になります。【慣用表現】
“northern Saitama” のような表現は、英語のネイティブスピーカーにとって馴染みがあり、一般的に使われる表現です。これに対して、“north Saitama” は少し不自然に感じられることがあります。【地理的な表現】
“northern” は、特定の地域の北部を指す際に使われることが多く、地理的な位置を明確に示すのに適しています3。
I’ve been so busy recently, so I can’t update my blog.
But, I thought “I’m busy…then I will revamp my blog”.
I stayed at the office alone to revamp my blog after get the job done.
I’ve been so busy recently, so I haven’t been able to update my blog. But, I thought, “I’m busy… then I will revamp my blog.” I stayed at the office alone to revamp my blog after getting the job done.
【I’ve been so busy recently, so I can’t update my blog.】
自然ですが、“I haven’t been able to update my blog” の方が少し自然かもしれません。【But, I thought “I’m busy…then I will revamp my blog”.】
“But, I thought, ‘I’m busy… then I will revamp my blog.’” のように、引用符の中の句読点を調整すると良いでしょう。【I stayed at the office alone to revamp my blog after get the job done.】
“I stayed at the office alone to revamp my blog after getting the job done.” のように、“get” を “getting” に変更すると自然です。
I always remained the office until late in the night.
My coworker looked at me with worried eyes but I’m good!
I always stayed at the office until late at night. My coworker looked at me with worried eyes, but I’m good!
【I always remained the office until late in the night.】
“I always stayed at the office until late at night.” の方が自然です。【My coworker looked at me with worried eyes but I’m good!】
“My coworker looked at me with worried eyes, but I’m good!” のように、“but” の前にカンマを追加すると良いでしょう。
I divided my blog into blog and diary categories when the blog revamp.
So I will update the diary more than the blog,because the diary is easy to update.
I divided my blog into ‘Blog’ and ‘Diary’ categories during the revamp. So, I will update the diary more often than the blog because the diary is easier to update.
【I divided my blog into blog and diary categories when the blog revamp.】
“I divided my blog into ‘Blog’ and ‘Diary’ categories during the revamp.” の方が自然です。【So I will update the diary more than the blog,because the diary is easy to update.】
“So, I will update the diary more often than the blog because the diary is easier to update.” のように、“more often” と “easier” を使うと自然です。また、カンマの後にスペースを入れると良いでしょう。
When I spend in busy life.
I was often to be forgot something and remember it after a while.
I thought I needed to type my mind down in the my blog, so I created the diary category.
When I live a busy life, I often forget things and remember them after a while. I thought I needed to write down my thoughts in my blog, so I created the diary category.
【When I spend in busy life.】
“When I live a busy life,” の方が自然です。【I was often to be forgot something and remember it after a while.】
“I often forget things and remember them after a while.” の方が自然です。【I thought I needed to type my mind down in the my blog, so I created the diary category.】
“I thought I needed to write down my thoughts in my blog, so I created the diary category.” の方が自然です。
Therefore, I update the blog on like an article and the diary to feel on the day
Therefore, I update the blog with articles and the diary with daily feelings.
【Therefore, I update the blog on like an article and the diary to feel on the day.】
“Therefore, I update the blog with articles and the diary with daily feelings.” のようにすると、より自然で明確な表現になります。
Thank you for reading, from twotone.
Thank you for reading.
From Twotone. – こちらも自然ですが、“From” の代わりに “Sincerely,” や “Best regards,” などの表現を使うと、より丁寧な印象を与えることができます。