En tant qu’adulte, on n’a vraiment pas l’occasion de se suspendre comme on le faisait enfant, et quand j’ai essayé, j’ai été choqué par le poids de mon corps !
【En tant qu’adulte
English : As an adult】This phrase means taking the perspective or role of an adult.
【on n’a vraiment pas l’occasion de se suspendre comme on le faisait enfant
English : we really don’t have the opportunity to hang ourselves like we did as children】This part expresses that adults rarely have the chance to do playful activities, like hanging from monkey bars, as they did when they were children.
【et quand j’ai essayé
English : and when I tried】This segment states that the speaker attempted this playful activity.
【j’ai été choqué par le poids de mon corps !
English : I was shocked by the weight of my body!】Here, the speaker is expressing surprise at how heavy their body felt when they tried to hang as they did in their childhood.
En tant qu’adulte,
“En tant que”: This phrase means “as” or “in the capacity of”. It is used to introduce a role or a status that someone is speaking from.
En: これはフランス語で「in」や「at」を意味する前置詞です。場所や状態を表すときに使われます。
Tant: この単語は「多くの」や「たくさんの」を意味しますが、この表現では直接的な意味を持たずに、次の「que」と組み合わせて使われます。
Que: これは「that」や「which」を意味する接続詞です。この場合は、前の「en tant」と組み合わせて使われ、特定の役割や立場を示すために使われます。
on n’a vraiment pas l’occasion de se suspendre comme on le faisait enfant
on: This is an informal French pronoun often used to mean “we” or “one” in a general sense.
n’a vraiment pas l’occasion: This phrase means “really don’t have the opportunity.” Here, “n’a” is a contraction of “n’ + a” (negation + has), “vraiment” means “really,” and “pas l’occasion” means “no opportunity.”
de se suspendre: This means “to hang oneself.” “Se” is a reflexive pronoun, and “suspendre” means “to hang.”
comme on le faisait enfant: This translates to “like we did as children.” “Comme” means “like,” “on” again means “we,” “le faisait” means “used to do it,” and “enfant” means “child.”
comme on le faisait enfantが分からなかったがlike we did as childrenって意味か。commeがよくわからんくした。
Here, the speaker is expressing surprise at how heavy their body felt when they tried to hang as they did in their childhood.
【Here, the speaker:】
「speaker」は「話者」という意味で、この文の主語です。【is expressing surprise:】
「expressing」は「表現している」、「surprise」は「驚き」を意味します。【at how heavy their body felt:】
「how heavy」は「どれほど重いか」、「their body felt」は「自分の体が感じた」を意味します。【when they tried to hang:】
「when」は「〜のとき」、「they tried to」は「彼らが試みた」、「hang」は「ぶら下がる」を意味します。【as they did in their childhood:】
「as they did」は「彼らがしたように」、「in their childhood」は「子供の頃に」を意味します。