Alors que l’année 2017 touche à sa fin, en y repensant, je réalise que rien ne s’est passé comme prévu, ce qui est assez déprimant…
【”Alors que l’année 2017 touche à sa fin”】
This phrase translates to “As the year 2017 is coming to an end.” It signifies a reflective period towards the end of the year, highlighting the passage of time.
【”en y repensant”】
This means “when thinking about it” or “on reflection.” It indicates a moment of contemplation or looking back at past events.
【”je réalise que rien ne s’est passé comme prévu”】
This translates to “I realize that nothing went as planned.” It expresses a sense of disappointment or disillusionment with how things turned out differently from expectations.
【”ce qui est assez déprimant”】
This means “which is quite depressing.” It conveys a feeling of sadness or discouragement about the past year’s outcomes.
Alors que l’année 2017 touche à sa fin
【Alors que:】
This phrase can be translated as “while” or “as.” It’s used to indicate a situation that is happening concurrently with another.
This means “the year.” “Année” is the French word for “year,” and “l'” is the contraction of “le” (the) because “année” begins with a vowel.
This is simply the year 2017.
This comes from the verb “toucher,” which means “to touch” or “to reach.” In this context, it implies that the year 2017 is reaching its end.
【5. à:】
This is a preposition that means “at” or “to.” In this sentence, it connects the action to its object.
【sa fin:】
“Sa” means “its” (possessive adjective), and “fin” means “end.” Together, they mean “its end,” referring to the end of the year 2017.
que rien ne s’est passé comme prévu
This word is a conjunction meaning “that” in English. It is often used to introduce a clause.
【2. rien:】
This means “nothing.” It is used to indicate the absence of anything.
【3. ne:】
This is part of the French negation structure. It pairs with “rien” to form a negative statement.
【4. s’est:】
This is a contraction of “se” and “est.” “Se” is a reflexive pronoun, and “est” is the third person singular form of the verb “être” (to be), meaning “is.” Together, they form “s’est,” which means “has” in the context of reflexive verbs.
【5. passé:】
This is the past participle of the verb “passer,” which means “to happen” or “to pass.” In this context, it means “happened.”
【6. comme:】
This means “like” or “as.” It is used to compare or indicate similarity.
【7. prévu:】
This is the past participle of the verb “prévoir,” which means “to plan” or “to foresee.” In this context, it means “planned.”