


Da das Jahr 2017 zu Ende geht, wird mir beim Rückblick bewusst, dass nichts wie geplant verlaufen ist, was ziemlich deprimierend ist…

Da das Jahr 2017 zu Ende geht,

“As the year 2017 comes to an end,” Explanation: This phrase sets the temporal context, indicating that the speaker is reflecting on the events of the past year as it draws to a close.


Meaning: “as,” “because,” or “since.”

Usage: It introduces a causal relationship or explains the reason for something.

it draws to a close.


In this context, “draw” means to pull or move towards something. It conveys the idea of progressing or approaching a particular point.

wird mir beim Rückblick bewusst,

“it becomes clear to me upon reflection,” Explanation: The speaker is saying that, when they look back at the year, they gain new insights or realizations about what has happened.

wird mir beim Rückblick bewusst,


Meaning: becomes
Explanation: This is the third person singular present tense of the verb “werden,” which means “to become.”


Meaning: to me
Explanation: This is a dative pronoun, indicating that something is happening to or for the speaker.

【”beim Rückblick”】

beim: short for “bei dem” meaning “at the” or “upon”
Rückblick: reflection, looking back
Explanation: Together, “beim Rückblick” means “upon reflection” or “when looking back.”


Meaning: clear, aware
Explanation: This adjective means that the speaker becomes aware of something.

dass nichts wie geplant verlaufen ist,

“that nothing has gone as planned,” Explanation: The speaker reveals that their expectations or plans for the year did not materialize as they had hoped. This phrase highlights a sense of disappointment or unmet expectations.

wie geplant verlaufen


Meaning: as, like

Explanation: This word is used to compare something to a certain state or condition.


Meaning: planned

Explanation: This is the past participle of the verb “planen,” which means “to plan.” In this context, it describes something that was planned or intended.


Meaning: to proceed, to go

Explanation: This is the infinitive form of the verb “verlaufen,” which means to proceed or to go. It is often used to describe how events unfold or happen over time.

was ziemlich deprimierend ist…

“which is quite depressing…” Explanation: The final part of the sentence expresses the speaker’s emotional reaction to their reflections and realizations, conveying a feeling of sadness or discouragement.

was ziemlich deprimierend


Meaning: which, that

Explanation: This is a relative pronoun used to introduce a clause that provides more information about a preceding idea or statement.


Meaning: quite, fairly

Explanation: This adverb intensifies the adjective that follows, indicating a considerable degree of something.


Meaning: depressing

Explanation: This is the present participle of the verb “deprimieren,” meaning “to depress.” Used as an adjective here, it describes something that causes a feeling of sadness or discouragement.

1時間 今日はちょっと早起きさせられたので、ちゃんと二度寝したんだけど熟睡できず、二度寝しなければ良かったと後悔。肉体の疲労はあまりないが、精神的に疲労があるって感じ。ただ、仕事周りで問題が1つ解消したので、そういう意味だと良かったわ。で、体調。目の方のダメージが結構きついっす。なんか精神的な疲労と紐づいている感じがある。マジでどっかでかこの疲労は取りたいかもしれん。で、漫画。なんか丁寧に描いても素早く描いてもそこまで大きな影響はないんじゃないかって感じる。僕らしさって適当に描くのが僕らしさだと思っているし、大して変わらなさそうならさっさと描き切っちゃったほうが良いんじゃないかって感じた。

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