Bei der Arbeit wurde ich geschimpft…
【Bei der Arbeit】
Bei: This is a preposition that translates to “at” or “during.” In this context, it means “at.”
der Arbeit: “Arbeit” means “work” or “job,” and “der” is the definite article “the.” Together, it means “at work” or “at the job.”
【wurde ich】
wurde: This is the past tense of the verb “werden,” which means “to become” or “to be.” Here, it is used in the passive voice to indicate that something happened to the subject.
ich: This is the pronoun “I” in English, the subject of the sentence.
geschimpft: This is the past participle of the verb “schimpfen,” which means “to scold” or “to reprimand.” In the passive voice, it means “was scolded” or “was reprimanded.”
Wenn ich darüber nachdenke, hat nichts gut funktioniert, und es macht mich weinen… Warum können die Dinge nicht reibungslos verlaufen?
Wenn ich darüber nachdenke
Wenn: This is a conjunction that means “when” or “if.”
ich: This is the pronoun “I.”
darüber: This translates to “about it” or “about that.”
nachdenke: This is the first person singular present tense of the verb “nachdenken,” which means “to think about.”
hat nichts gut funktioniert
hat: This is the third person singular present tense of the verb “haben,” which means “has.”
nichts: This means “nothing.”
gut: This means “well” or “good.”
funktioniert: This is the past participle of the verb “funktionieren,” which means “to function” or “to work.”
und es macht mich weinen
und: This is a conjunction that means “and.”
es: This is the pronoun “it.”
macht: This is the third person singular present tense of the verb “machen,” which means “makes.”
mich: This is the accusative form of the pronoun “ich,” meaning “me.”
weinen: This is the verb “to cry.”
Warum können die Dinge nicht reibungslos verlaufen?
Warum: This means “why.”
können: This is the modal verb “can” or “be able to.”
die Dinge: This means “the things.”
nicht: This means “not.”
reibungslos: This means “smoothly.”
verlaufen: This is the verb “to go” or “to proceed.”