There’s something I’d like to do, I mapped out a schedule.
But I was breaking my schedule, then I went on breaking it.
I had plans and created a meticulous schedule, but I broke those plans from the first week and kept breaking them.
the meticulous nature of the scheduleとthe meticulous nature scheduleの違い
【the meticulous nature of the schedule:】
This phrase uses the word “of” to link “meticulous nature” to “schedule”. It indicates that the meticulous nature is a quality that belongs to the schedule. In other words, the schedule itself is meticulous.
【the meticulous nature schedule:】
This phrase implies that “meticulous nature” is a characteristic of the schedule without using “of”. However, it’s not a commonly used or grammatically correct construction in English. It’s more natural to use “the meticulous schedule” if you want to describe the schedule as meticulous directly.