Ich habe mit dem Bloggen angefangen, weil ich Inhalte erstellen und auf einem Blog verwalten wollte.
“Ich habe mit dem Bloggen angefangen,”
“I started blogging,”
Here, “Ich” means “I”. “habe” is the auxiliary verb “have”. “mit dem Bloggen” means “with blogging”. “angefangen” is the past participle of “start”. So, “I started with blogging.”
“weil ich Inhalte erstellen”
“because I wanted to create content”
“weil” means “because”. “ich” means “I”. “Inhalte” means “content”. “erstellen” means “to create”. Together, it means “because I wanted to create content.”
“und auf einem Blog verwalten wollte.”
“and manage it on a blog.”
“und” means “and”. “auf einem Blog” means “on a blog”. “verwalten” means “to manage”. “wollte” is the past tense of “want”. So, “and wanted to manage it on a blog.”