Für das Jahr 2018 hoffe ich, meinen Blog weiterhin zu aktualisieren, Inhalte zu erstellen und den Blog noch ansprechender zu gestalten.
“Für das Jahr 2018 hoffe ich, meinen Blog weiterhin zu aktualisieren”
“Für das Jahr 2018” means “For the year 2018.” This sets the timeframe for the hope or goal being discussed.
“hoffe ich,” means “I hope.” This indicates the speaker’s intention or aspiration.
“meinen Blog” translates to “my blog.” This specifies what the hope or goal is related to.
“weiterhin zu aktualisieren” means “to continue updating.” This signifies the action the speaker hopes to keep doing, indicating an ongoing effort.
“Inhalte zu erstellen”
“Inhalte” means “content.” This specifies what will be created for the blog.
“zu erstellen” means “to create.” This indicates the action of producing or generating new material.
“und den Blog noch ansprechender zu gestalten.”
“und” means “and,” linking this clause to the previous ones.
“den Blog” translates to “the blog.” This reiterates the subject, showing what will be made more appealing.
“noch ansprechender” means “even more appealing.” This indicates an enhancement or improvement.
“zu gestalten.” means “to design” or “to make.” This shows the intended action of improving the blog’s attractiveness.