Si je n’y arrive pas, je me mords la langue.
Si je n’y arrive pas:
Si: This word means “if” and introduces a conditional clause, indicating that the following statement depends on a specific condition.
je: This is the subject pronoun “I,” referring to the speaker.
n’y arrive pas: This phrase means “do not succeed at it” or “can’t do it.” It is composed of:
n’… pas: A negation structure in French.
y: A pronoun that replaces a place or thing previously mentioned, often translated as “there” or “at it” in English.
arrive: The verb “arriver,” which means “to arrive” or “to succeed” in this context.
Together, “Si je n’y arrive pas” translates to “If I can’t do it” or “If I don’t succeed at it.”
je me mords la langue:
je: This is the subject pronoun “I.”
me mords: The verb “mordre” means “to bite,” and “me” is the reflexive pronoun, indicating the action is performed on oneself. “Me mords” means “bite myself.”
la langue: This phrase means “the tongue,” referring to the physical tongue in the mouth.
Together, “je me mords la langue” translates to “I bite my tongue.”
Je compte sur votre soutien continu cette année également.
Je compte sur:
Je: This is the subject pronoun “I,” referring to the speaker.
compte sur: This phrase means “count on” or “rely on.” It is composed of:
compte: The verb “compter,” which means “to count.”
sur: The preposition “on,” indicating reliance.
votre soutien continu:
votre: This is the possessive adjective “your,” indicating ownership by the person being addressed.
soutien: This noun means “support.”
continu: This adjective means “continuous” or “ongoing.”
cette année également:
cette: This is the demonstrative adjective “this,” indicating the current year.
année: This noun means “year.”
également: This adverb means “also” or “as well,” indicating that the speaker is looking for support in the current year, just as in previous years.