


Obwohl ich kein großer Fan von B’z bin, habe ich ihre Lieder in Detective Conan und Music Station gehört. Ich hatte nur oberflächliches Wissen über sie.

Obwohl ich kein großer Fan von B’z bin:

This part means “Although I am not a big fan of B’z”.

“Obwohl” means “although” or “even though”.
“ich” means “I”.
“kein großer Fan” means “not a big fan”.
“von B’z” means “of B’z”.
“bin” is the verb “to be” in the first person singular form, meaning “am”.

habe ich ihre Lieder in Detective Conan und Music Station gehört:

This part translates to “I have heard their songs in Detective Conan and Music Station”.

“habe” is the first person singular form of the verb “haben,” which means “have”.

“ich” means “I”.

“ihre Lieder” means “their songs”.

“in Detective Conan und Music Station” refers to the places where the songs were heard, which are “Detective Conan” (a popular anime series) and “Music Station” (a Japanese music television show).

“gehört” is the past participle of the verb “hören,” which means “heard”.

Ich hatte nur oberflächliches Wissen über sie:

This part means “I only had superficial knowledge about them”.

“Ich” means “I”.

“hatte” is the first person singular form of the verb “haben,” in the past tense, meaning “had”.

“nur” means “only”.

“oberflächliches Wissen” means “superficial knowledge”.

“über sie” means “about them”.

30分 今日はお休みday。なので、週一の筋トレやったけど結構余裕があった。なので、体の方は体調がだいぶ良いんだと思う。けど、睡眠不足で朝起きれんかったわ。寝る前に統合戦略はやるもんじゃないっすね。ただ、さっさと寝れば良かったとかは感じなかったんだよね。やっぱ休みだからかな?で、そろそろ確定申告の準備しないと不味いっすわ。1日にでやろうとか考えて無くて、ズルズルと作業をしようと思っているから、起動だけしておきたいのでこれからやる。仕事の方も少しやっておきたいし。漫画の方は背景で悩んでいるなぁーって感じ。

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