Mon ami est un grand fan de B’z, alors j’ai assisté à mon premier concert en direct. S’il n’y avait pas eu de billets supplémentaires, je n’y serais pas allé.
Mon ami est un grand fan de B’z
Mon ami: My friend
est: is
un grand fan de B’z: a big fan of B’z. “Fan” is borrowed from English and used in the same context. “De” denotes possession or association with B’z (the band).
alors j’ai assisté à mon premier concert en direct
alors: so, then. It indicates the reason or result due to the previous statement.
j’ai assisté: I attended. “J’ai” is the contraction of “je” (I) and “ai” (have), forming the past perfect tense. “Assisté” is the past participle of “assister” (to attend).
à mon premier concert en direct: to my first live concert. “À” indicates direction, “mon” is possessive (my), “premier” (first), and “concert en direct” (live concert).
S’il n’y avait pas eu de billets supplémentaires
S’il: If it. Contraction of “si” (if) and “il” (it).
n’y avait pas eu: had not been. Imperfect tense of “avoir” (to have) with negation (“n'” and “pas”).
de billets supplémentaires: extra tickets. “De” (of), “billets” (tickets), and “supplémentaires” (additional or extra).
je n’y serais pas allé.
je: I
n’y serais pas allé: would not have gone. Conditional past perfect tense of “aller” (to go) with negation (“n'” and “pas”). “Y” refers back to the concert (there).