Shintoshin est un quartier d’affaires, alors je me suis demandé comment la foule se comparait à celle de l’heure de pointe matinale. J’ai découvert que l’utilisation moyenne quotidienne de la gare est de 48 000 personnes, donc environ les trois-quarts de ce chiffre étaient au concert.
“Shintoshin est un quartier d’affaires”:
Translation: “Shintoshin is a business district.”
Explanation: This introduces the subject, Shintoshin, and describes its primary characteristic as a business district, which implies it has offices, commercial buildings, and is likely busy with business activities during working hours.
“alors je me suis demandé comment la foule se comparait à celle de l’heure de pointe matinale”:
Translation: “so I wondered how the crowd compared to the morning rush hour.”
Explanation: Here, the speaker expresses curiosity about the crowd at Shintoshin, questioning how it compares to the typically large crowd seen during the morning rush hour when people are commuting to work.
“J’ai découvert que l’utilisation moyenne quotidienne de la gare est de 48 000 personnes”:
Translation: “I found out that the average daily usage of the station is 48,000 people.”
Explanation: The speaker shares a specific statistic, revealing that, on average, 48,000 people use the Shintoshin station each day. This gives a sense of the station’s usual level of activity.
“donc environ les trois-quarts de ce chiffre étaient au concert”:
Translation: “so about three-quarters of that were at the concert.”
Explanation: Based on the daily usage statistic, the speaker estimates that about 36,000 people (which is three-quarters of 48,000) attended the concert. This illustrates the significant crowd size at the event, relative to the station’s usual daily traffic.