


I have started to get up early lately

Early this week, a salesman visited our office.
In the case of the company that I work in, we are no soliciting
Our company are no soliciting, so we have usually declined sales call, but the salesman has visited to have a coffee sample and he has said “Would you like some coffee?”
After he said, I heard he was visiting near the office and the coffee left.

We received and drank the coffee because our boss gave permission.
I felt that was not bad.
That was delicious same as a coffee of convenient store.

Then, our boss interested in that, he asked the salesman about the coffee machine and he was deciding whether to introduce.
I knew that there was like this sales method and I was impressed by the sales man.

First, I thought way to start a sales was good.
If he enter the office while saying “I’m salesman of coffee maker”, we would be going to make him leave.
But, he entered and said “would you like to try coffee? because try coffee left”, so we didn’t look as the salesman, so we permitted entering our office.

I thought he was good, because he do business and get a positive consideration.
Then, the trial coffee was also good.

I thought he was amazing that he visited without calling, got a contract, he leave a coffee machine in our office and he return to the office.

He was trustworthy in my eyes also, he has luck, timing and character, so he was able to work excellently, I thought.

He showed me a good sales method.

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