

I’m usually taking notes on my blog.

I’m writing about note of web technique on this blog besides writing my diary, among that posts are some good post that are well looked up and other bad posts that just note.
But, nine tenths posts are just notes.
When researching on the internet, those posts displayed on result of Google Search Engine, but I think those posts can not help your problem.
Because, those are just note.

I feel sorry for user, but if I was well looked up and I wrote up, I would be taken a week for an article.
If done that, I think it is fool, so I don’t want to do that.

I was thinking for a moment, I should do improvement past posts, like rewriting from the note to the article.
I leave what today’s me ununderstood a part of thing to future’s me.
I say, I leave that homework to him.

It wasn’t possible to understand to the thing, for my past self.
I think that it isn’t possible to understand for others too, so if I could create as an article, I wonder it would become a good article.
Because there is a demand for my ununderstand things.

When I had been thinking about this for a moment, I thought it was good.
I usually note about my feeling things as a comment on my posts, so it is easier to recall at that time.

I have managed to find things to look forward to future that I rewrite my posts to the articles.

I burned off what I’m feeling sorry for the user, so I’m going to try hard writing articles.

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