

I have run out of ideas of diary.

I don’t have it that I want to write thing.
It is not altogether, but it is not so worth as I write.

The diary isn’t so worth as I force to write for me, but I can’t choose it I don’t write, because I started as practice drawing.
So, it bother me.
I think I don’t have a specific hobby.
If my hobby is drawing, I would draw characters I like, but it is not hobby for me actually.
So, it bother me more.

I introduce trivial things.

・My electric charge was beyond 8,000 yen and I was depressed.
・A personal business that it was starting and stopping 2 years ago restarted.
・I’m depressed that Japanese team was 2nd place Asia Cup.
・My childhood friend was marriage.
・I subscribe to and I am into “Shiro Project:RE”.

I thought while listed as above that those are so worth as I write diary.
In short, the cause is weakness of my writing abilities.

My writing skill is I can understand Introduction, development, turn and conclusion, but I’m very not good at writing composition.
I was not the best at Japanese and English in elementary school student, but those are the most important subjects after begin working.

I think a little I try to study how to summarize a text.

Writing in here like that worry are I can correct the course of my life and it will be interesting to reread in future.
So, I recommend it.

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