

I’m struggling very much with what I make myself try to update manga on this web site, but I can’t quite update because I have the work.
From earlier this year, I tried various things, drawing like a rough sketch, updating one page a day, but I can’t be keeping.

I don’t have the time.
I can’t do it because tired from working.
I’m not able to draw well.

I have never had a custom to draw a picture and I have never almost drawn until now, my drawing in this picture is all wrong.

the reason why I can’t be keeping it is that I can’t do it at my pleasure, so I recently practice to draw the picture well.
There is useful tool named Internet in the world.
I’m learning by looking on it how to draw and persons are drawing while what think, who are good at drawing.

I want someone to create a machine that can get my imagination to use a brain wave and can appear in reality.
It is difficult to make me draw a picture.

I have just written a diary about study lately, to study drawing is feeling simply tough. But, keep studying is the only way…so I will try hard.

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