I’m thinking to write down on my blog about experience of keep doing for a month RareJob.
I got to be patient and kept trying online English lessons for a month.
I’m feeling I’m used to do it because of keeping for a month.
I was used to fail.
When I start learning online English lessons, I got nervous at a time to reserve lesson, then I got nervous too until the reservation time.
But, I kept learing for a month and I don’t get nervous now.
I gave up on that I get nervous.
Then, my lesson progress way was a simple that we progress English learning materials, so it is easy to suppose answer.
Nevertheless, a unusual was sometimes happen and I’m confused.

But, I kept taking online English lessons for a month, I couldn’t improve for my English skill.
I think I will go abroad for a week next month, but I won’t reach a level that I speak with a confidence.
I tried hard learning English, I think.
I take online lesson at Rarejob 25 minutes 3 days a week.
I record my lesson every time and I look back it, I searched on the internet about what should I answered and what teacher said.
Then, I wrote down on my blog, but that work has happened 4 or 5 hour 3 days a week.
So, I was having a hard time learning English.
I’m exhausted by I went to company 3 days a week, and then other 3 days, I studied English for prepare to go abroad or I did in my hobby.
So I didn’t have a rest.
What is this feeling that I can’t say in my words ?
It’s driving myself into a wall, I think.
But, I can’t quit it by fear.
I feel as I was basically at a dead-end.

My way to learn English is only to review lessons.
The review are to look up words that I didn’t know or I was curious at online lessons.
Plus, I try to read through today’s material before lesson every day because I had experience I messed up once I didn’t that.
Others, I tried to watch a oversea TV drama for studying, but I quit it because it was bother me.
I used oversea TV drama “Freinds” at that time, the reason why I used was because I heard it is good to study, so I subscribed Netflix, but I’m only watching japanese animation now.
If I study English in my spare time, I wouldn’t have a rest time.
I will be die by stress.
Anyway, I want to be able to make easy sentence in English until next month that I will go abroad for prepare of working holiday.
I wonder if how should I study best English ways.