I got my results about health checkup from the hospital.
As usual, I look at the result while I was thinking that there is no problem.
However, I noticed that there is a D on a scale of A to E.
I wonder what this is an item and I confirmed it.
It was item of triglyceride, then my triglyceride level was 449.
My triglyceride level has increased to three times as much as 144 value of last year.

In the explanation of triglyceride, Triglycerides provide your body with energy, but high triglycerides may contribute to hardening of the arteries.
You may have high triglycerides due to obesity, drinking or out of shape.
It says like that, then I made a closer examination of triglyceride.
As a consequence, I have found that it was flab.
Triglycerides means it is flab that couldn’t digest too many calories in meal.

Oops! I must do dietary restrictions!
That is kidding and I don’t have the time to do.
I take in too many nutrients so badly, so I must exercise to digest taked calories.
I have been working impatiently, so I had a lot of overtime work lately.
I feel like I increased in frequency of bought sweet bread at convenience store.
That convinced me that the triglyceride increased.

However, the triglyceride is way too increasing.
I figured out how to handle, I think I’m going to be a little careful what I eat.