

I got a cold from monday, to be precise, I’ve had a sore throat from sunday, then I started feeling chilly from the morning on monday.
I was preventing a cold by using mask in sleeping, but I got a cold.
I think the reason is my roommate of chinese, because he was getting same symptoms of a cold before several day. So I think I bought a cold from the chinese roommate.
When the roommate got a cold, I gave him a cold medication and throat lozenge, but he refused to take only a mask.
It was possible to give his a cold to I and japanese roommate, so I wanted to wear the mask, but I and he hadn’t been so close yet, so I thought it is bad to force him wearing the mask, I didn’t insist.
And this is what happend.
How could he do that…
I was getting a cold, but dividing my lesson into morning and afternoon made a difference, as it gave me energy, because I could get some rest after finished the first and second period.
Then, Afternoon lessons fifth and sixth period were new teachers, but when I arrived at the lesson room, the room light off. So I turned on the light and I kept waiting for the teacher. Then third period teacher who I shoudl have changed came here.
I was thinking that she came to complain about I change her to others teacher without telling. But, it was differnce, it seemes the teacher of fifth period absented from work, so she came here as a substitute teacher.
I was perspiring strangely for the first time in a while and it was my heart-wrenching.
In the lesson was really awkward atmosphere.
I expected there are lot of teachers, so we never going to see each other again, but we were meeting again and the foreshadowing paid off earlier than I thought.
Looking back my memory, the 3th period teacher had empty slot a lot in her lesson schedule, I wonder she is not popular teacher.
And then, I knew she has empty slot on 5th period, so I had no excuse like I just want to change to other period, so it is so clear that I hate her lesson and changed her to other. It was really awkward.
Finally, she done our lesson properly, then I said at I left “Have a nice day.”, but there was no response from her. She was staring on the table in front of her.
I felt scared.
It was almost a little horror movies scene.

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