I was almost killed by the VPS server.
My client’s VPS server has installed a php 5.3, I felt worried about its low version then.
So,I referred to article and I finished to update this server.
But,I wasn’t able to access the website before I knew it.
What’s happening!
「phpmyadmin vps 消える」みたいな検索ワードで必死こいて検索しても全く見つからず半べそかきながら1つずつ検証をしていたら、そもそもphpmyadminのファイルが全部消えていました。
I was desperate to investigate of the cause on the internet.
But I was not able to find at all, so I was checking one by one while almost crying.
As a consequence, I found out to lost a phpmyadmin file.
When I was updating the php version.
I was deleting all php file as written on the reference article.
But, I seem phpmyadmin file was also deleted by me.
So, I installed it, then I can access the website now.
Due to I dealt with problem on server, my whole weekend has been ruined!