

It has been three years since I started working for this company.
I have had a interview with my boss about the contract renewal, so I have renewed it.
Salary didn’t change the same as before, because I’m bad work attitude in our company.
Well, it is what it is.

Honestly, salary is not so important for me.
The worker of our company usually have an interview with my boss this time of every year, I had what I try to say with him.

I would like to quit my job.

As a matter of fact, that is main thing.
I’m likely to work beyond a hundred hours in March, I was about to snap because I was made to work on a day off and I was assigned a lot of task without thinking.
Those absolutely doesn’t matter.
I have a personal aim for this industry, so I went into it and had tried hard.
Just because I about to quit our company doesn’t mean I have complains.

Actually, we already have been lack of manpower, then there is another person who will quit our company.
I thought My boss get angry, but it wasn’t how I imagined.
My boss often reprimand with me, but he have listened to the important thing for me.
I’m relieved.

Looking back, my boss made me do design work that I never thought I could, I concentrated on coding to feel the limit with design work, then my boss let me do what I have various experience about around the server and some programing, all of those were good for me since I joined this company.
I really appreciate that.
I have made much progress from the level where I didn’t know if I can input roman texts and how to start the PC.

I have been working over time almost everyday and I was always the last one to leave the office.
I think those will be the end, looking back it is impressive for me.
I want to praise myself, because I worked hard until today.

But, to quit the company is two years later.

We need to have for at least two year, because to coach and to train of new employees.no one has newly joined our company at the moment.
I argued with my boss and he made me work overtime doesn’t mean I didn’t decide the reason why I quit this company.
This is the best I can make a concession to him.
Because, This company had been helping me to grow.

I have only two years left, I will try my best to do work overtime.

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