

I couldn’t study the programing for 2 weeks recently.
I have researched three ununderstood things on the programing once a week.
I’m looking back on it, I feel an afterglow of accomplishment, because I keep studying from April to beginning of this month.(there may have been some stoped studying weeks, because I didn’t check it thoroughly.)

Having say that, there is no obligation that studying programing, but I don’t feel comfortable that I don’t study it.
I had a high priority work for two weeks and I focused on it, so I couldn’t study the programing of habit.

But, I think there is that not going well thing become going well suddenly by time away, like a study and extracurricular activities.
I lost my awareness of things that I’m not good at studying programing, because of leaving two weeks. It may be imagination, but I was getting easy mentally and I could be refreshed.

So, I’m going to try hard.

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