I arrived in Canada.
I got off the plane and I followed behind other people.
Then I saw a lot of machines lined up, so I was scanning my passport and take a picture of my face using the machine.
I did also that.
Then I followed the road, there were a lot of people lined up.
I watched in front of the line, there were 4 people like gatekeepers sitting high chair like Starbucks’ high chair.
They were asking a people in line “What’s the purpose of your visit?”.
Was it immigration?
I could pass through it easily because I only do easy exchange conversations.
But, when my turn had come, a immigration officer beckoned to me.
His that beckoning like he had done thousand times, I felt I was like in movie.

I passed through immigration control and I arrived a huge room that a lot of baggage went circle around by conveyor belt.
I took my baggage from the conveyor belt, then I saw “immigration” as signboard and a door of immigration Services in the same room.
When I will come here using working holiday visa, I thought I must pass the door through.
I tried to not forget that untiil next time.
Then, I went out from airport, I stayed on the road and I saw a three-story building.
I followed other people and I reached the three floor.
There was automatic Train called Skytrain, I took on the train for Downtown.
Before I took on the train, I needed buying a compass card that are putting money and using at public transport like Japanese suica.
But I had a hard time buying it.
A machine I can buy compass card was handled Japanese, so I didn’t have trouble about that, but when I bought it with my credit card, I needed to input my PIN code, but that moment of the display didn’t surpport Japanese.
I got panicked more and I lost to input my PIN code everytime, the machine displayed fail text each time.
In the end, I struggled to buy the card for ten minutes.
When it displayed like “please input your PIN and push enter”, I didn’t understand what is PIN, I inputed nothing and pushed enter.
That is the reason that I couldn’t buy well.
It was not clear.
I was taking on the train and I got off at Vancouver City Centre Station that is in downtown.
But I almost bumped into black woman at after got off the train.
Then I was said from her “F○ck!”
That was second time experience like that, first was the time when I worked as clerk of convenience store.

It’s first time experience for me, plus I did alone.
I had been a lot things happened until here, so I went up the stairs and I came out from underground, when I was feeling, it was impressed that I can’t find my words.
Canada is called immigration country, so there were various races.
It was surprised for me.
People were speaking in english, I was feeling I was in movie.
I was scared that.
Anyway, I was finding reserved youth hotel, so I turned on a rented pocket wi-fi at before flight in airport.
But, I had never used google map well and I wasn’t familiar with this town.
I had often been losing the ways nevertheless I had google map.
I walked finding it for 2 hours, finally I arrived the youth hotel.
So, I enter through the front door, and I telled front desk staff about check-in, then he answered fast in english, I couldn’t understand his speaking.
I thought I wanted to go home right now.
Finally, I finished check-in and I went to my reserved room, my room was a double room and I entered it using card key, but a roommate was not there.
There were two bagage of roommate, I was waiting with a beating heart. but he didn’t show up at all.
Anyway, I exchanged 10 thousand yen for canada dollar in japan.
But, it was not enough money to pay for homestay family.
So, I withdrawed cash from ATMs dealing with visa card, I bought a water at seven eleven because I’m thirsty.
Then, I decided to research the road to homestay.
I went to north vancouver by bus and I came back downtown by sea bus.
Everything looks fine until to here, but I felt lonely ever since I went out from airport.
I took on the train while I felt scared, I arrived at downtown, I got off the train, I used google map, I walked into unfamiliar town while I was looking for reserved youth hotel, I didn’t understand that the front desk staff said, my building confidence was broken, I didn’t have the courage to enter a bank, I was looking for a bank all around the downtown that it was easy to enter, Seven-eleven, which is familiar in japan, was difference except for the exterior, I didn’t know how to take on bus of vancouver becasue I hardly ever get on buses even in japan, I kept looking out the window on the bus, so as not to make eye meet with another passengers and so as not to be spoken to by them, I went around north vancouver on the bus.
I want to praise myself that I tried my best for on the first day.
I was really exhausted and I thought I want to go back to japan right now.

When I was come back the reserved room, but a roommate had not been there yet.
So, I took a shower and I went to bed around pm 6 in the local time.
I woke up once around 2 am, but the roommate hadn’t still come back.
And since the youth hotel was cheap, I could hear the outside noise more I thought, and it seemed that the road construction was carried out next road.
I thought is it natural in foreign that the construction carry out in midnight?
But, I ignored that noise and went back to sleep.
Anyway, the first day was I could try my best.