

I don’t know a work schedule, I’m confused.
I’m in Manira for study abroad and I got the work from a previous company that I belonged, but I finished some of the work, then it stopped for seaveral month, it was restarting in this time. Plus it needs hurry.
Oh, my god!
I’m a subcontractor and it is hard to complain, but could you please send me a data all at once, dear my previous boss.
It seems the previous company isn’t going well to communicate with the client, so if I were sended bits and pieces of work information, I would need to change the way of coding each time. It will be hard to manage website or constructure, so please send me all data at once.
I wasn’t convinced and I heard the work seemed the company wasn’t going well to comunicate with the client, but I have already gotten things done so properly that the company and the client were hard to request for revison. Plus, the website was need a new skill that I have never used, so I got stressed a lot.
That’s why I review the lesson of the day on Saturday, but really the review is I want to do in that day.
It is more important to work than to learn English, but it is my habit, so if I couldn’t do it, I would get stressed. Besides there wasn’t a holiday in this week, because I did working on sunday.
But, a feeling that I was at a language school in Cebu has slowly came back. I couldn’t spoken with sentences in English for the first week, I had spoken to use words. So, I can speak with sentence a little, my blood type B and I’m my own pace, it take a time to become using sentence in speking.
By The Way, I’m enjoy to communicate to other Japanese students, students of the language school were allowed to speak japanese in dinner, there are various students like both young and old, I’m able to talk thouse, it is fun.
In the breakfast, it wasn’t allowed to speak Japanese, so I go back my room quickly after I finished eating.
Anyway, I want to become to make easy sentence in 2 weeks left.
I need to have some time, because I haven’t had any time to write diary, think about manga and update my blog at all now.
Review and prepare for learning English are so hard for me.

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