I have already been close to limitation of mental.
The 2 day that I started homestay was Sunday, since all of other staymates were at home, so I could hear their voices a bit.
Since the water I had already bought at 7-Eleven yesterday was about to run out, so I went to near the supermarket to buy it.
There was 7-Eleven in Canada, but it was deference from in Japan.
There were only breads without filling(bans?), there were almost no a lunch of a convenience store.
It was a different store that has several a kind of sandwiches.
So, I went to a supermarket to buy a water that takes 20 minutes away and goes down from my homestay in North Vancouver.
I felt fear the supermarket of the unfamiliar place.
そこまでわかったら実際にやってみたけど、店員に「Hi there.」って声かけられて速攻で固まった
それでもなんとかクレカで支払うよーっとカードをちらつかせ何とか購入したけど、後で調べたら「Hi there.」って挨拶の一種みたい
Since I didn’t know how to buy items in this shop, so I was walking around in the supermarket and I was watching the movement of customers at the cash register.
It seems that the place where the items are placed is like a conveyor belt, then the customers needs taking items out of the shopping basket and putting on the conveyor belt yourself.
I understood the way, so I actually tried buing.
But the clerk said “Hi there!”, since I didn’t know what it means, so I was frozen for a minute.
Even so, I managed to pay with my credit card.
After that, I looked up the word on the internet, it seemed to be a kind of greeting “Hi there”
I learned that it was same meaning as “Hi” and “Hello” used between friends.
There is no way to understand!

I managed to finish shopping, when I was going to go home, it suddenly started to rain.
It was raining a little bit on the way there, so I had an umbrella, but rain was pouring down and visibility was low.
I lost the sight of the home.
I almost happened to go into a house of stranger that is the similar house from a block away.
My pants was soaked.
After I went back home, since I bought chocotipcakes to get along with staymates, so I went to their room, then I was invited to their room.
But, I wasn’t able to understand what they said, I got feeling like running away, I wanted to go back my room early.
I got over with fake smile, then I went back my room and I falled asleep, but staymates called over me at dinner time, I thought the reason was I gave the chocolate cakes.
I was thanksful for that action.
After the dinner, the leader of staymates told me “Would it be alright to exchange phone number and whatsapp contacts”, whatsapp is sns application like Line.
But, I don’t have Whatsapp account, when I installed and create account, I needed to do phone number authentication.
I couldn’t verify my phone number, that was japan phone number, so I needed to do in Japan.
If you go abroad, you would had better to install and verify your phone number authentication.

Anyway, I was eating for two days at homestay, but it was not delicious compared to Japan.
I’m terribly sorry, but it was not delicious.
The amount was large more than I thought.
Today was I got closer the distance between I and roommates after all, but two new roommates had come into host family house.
Besides, they could speak English.
I felt isolated by the cause of an inferiority complex more because I wasn’t able to speak English.
I want go back to japan.