I was walking to language schools that I will take free trial for checking in advance where schools is.
My shoulder was hurts.
I kept walking and carrying my bag since I arrived in canada, so my bag is digging into my shoulder.
It’s hurts.
I felt I needed shoulder pads.
I got up at 7 o’clock and I got ready to go out, then I went to go out at half past 7.
First of all, I was using an application called Transit to find the bus route until downtown, then I noticed a lot after using that app, so I wrote down about that.
Transit is free map app, that can know where buses are driving and search bus route.
There are a lot of bus running in vancouver, then each zones are numbered.
I thought when the bus enter other zone, it would need to change bus of the other zone.
But it was different that.
Near bus stop of North vancouver where I’m at is bus No.249 running, that bus traverse longitudinally the North vancouver, so I tried to keep riding on the bus.
In the end, when the bus finished running in the course of 249, the bus started running course of 246, when I got off the bus, I saw digital display of bus, there was displayed 246.
So, I didn’t need to change bus.
I didn’t know the fact, so I worked hard going up the hill road to bus stop 246 taking 30 minutes.
It was no meaning.
I could feel refreshed, but North vancouver hill road was quite seep, I was tired because my lactic acid build up.
It was not walking, but climbing.
Until I realized this fact, I was going around North vancouver, downtown, then North vancouver to check route.
But, it was good for me because the bus is cheaper and I could be sightseeing.
Plus, my legs took a rest.

Plus, I made up my mind and I was shopping everyday since I came here.
I went to London Drugs for shopping that is famous in vancouver.
I was going to only watch items in the shop, but this shop.
I thought I was only watching items in the shop, this shop has separate entrance and exit, then the exit was ahead of self registar.
But, there was a clerk, since I felt uncomfortable to buy nothing, so I decided to buy only a kit cut.
I lined up self registar, but I was afraid of oversea self registar.
The methods to using it was almost same in japan, but all English made me panic.
However, I managed to buy it.
I went to seven, super market, London Drugs.
I was gradually steps up the load on my goal, so my end goal is that I went to a local cafe.
Then, I finished checking in advance where is school that I will take free trial for 3 days.
So, I went to a library in vancouver where I wanted.
It was so wide, so big and so beautiful building!
I was very satisfied for me who love libraries.
That has 9 floor, so I was walking around all floor, I saw an available seat and I sitted down, then I finished writing piled up my diary.
I couldn’t concentrate in host house, because I got distracted.
They are good persons, but I was tired to adapt myself to them.
If I was able to speak English, I would think there are good environment, but I wasn’t able to speak, so it was in hell named friendly.

It is 4 days since I came here, I’m more than halfway through just a little bit more until going back.
Regarding current home stay was more than halfway through, so I want to manage to endure until that.
But, I will be scheduled that I’m almost going out in whole day from next day, plus I had only paid money for dinner until yesterday, so I think I will not meet staymates.
When I was thinking like that, staymates called over me for eating dinner together.
I was going to eat leftover chocolate chip cake that I bought yesterday.
I was thinking about I eat that in my room.
I thought an appearance of I’m eating chocolate chip cake while others are eating dinner, it was really bad.
So, I lied and said “I have already eaten outside”, then I went back my room.

After that, leader of staymate came to my room and he gave me some foods.
I thanked for him and I supped the food in my room.
I want to go back to Japan earlier, then I want to return back to here after I work hard to study.