My shoulder always hurt and my legs feel so heavy.
Today was taking free trial lesson at different school from yesterday.
It was 2 times for me today.
This time was 30 minutes earlier starting lesson than other school, so I got up at 6:30 am.
Then I took on a bus for downtown at 7 am and I went to the school for taking free trial lesson.
When I talked to front desk staff to take free trial lesson, then I was shown into a classroom directly.
I was talked some classmate a little, but the classmates in this class were older than yesterday classmates.
It seemed that there were twenties a little, but more than half of classmates were beyond 40s.
Besides, I joined the class was second to last.
And then, when the class was starting, I was feeling this school was the exact opposite of the school yesterday, because the class were learning the origin of the word and doing discussion a lot.
Since the free trial lesson for me, I kept quiet without getting in everyone’s way, then it was finished without I spoke a single word.
I got the impression that shy persons can’t be proactive in this class.
I heard a lot of things at consultation after the class.
At yesterday’s school taught me that language school in Canada has like certification mark, if school has it, it were published on pumphlet or website.
I completely thought it was a logo of language school.
I heard it was hard to keep that certification mark.
I had heard like that, this time, the staff taught me that to use an agency is cheaper than not to use.
And then I heard if you aimed overseas employment, you would need a level that you can pass Eiken grade 2 easily or you can pass Eiken grade pre-1.
I kind of remember that it needed from 700 to 750 points at Toeic.
But, overseas people doesn’t knowing about Toeic, so if you were going to take an exam, you had better to take IELTS.
However, I was told by the staff, anyway you had better to take Eiken, because there were don’t set easy problems kind of dairy conversation but thesis problems.
It were useful for me.
Before I go home, I bought a hotdog at food stall in front of London Drugs, it was 2.5 CAD.

If I have nothing to do, I would be going to go the library.
But I have space in my heart and have energy left over, so I was trying to figure out how to go homestay on the internet where I scheduled to use from friday and I got on a train.
空港からダウンタウンまで行ったときは「バンクーバーシティセンター駅」で降りたけどその近くに「granville station」ってのがあるからそっちの電車で語学学校のある「Main Street」と次のホームステイ先がある「29th Avenue Station」まで行った
When I went from airport to downtown, I got off at Vancouver City Centre Station, but there was granville station as near statiton.
I used granville station to go Main Street-Science World station for checking next language school and 29th Avenue Station for checking where next homestay is.
The each other were taking 10 minutes from the stations.
I have been coming and going between downtown and North vancouver since I came in vancouver.
The down town were that it is hard to walk because crowded and I was tired.
North vancouver was quite a walk up the hill and the weather forecast keeps changing.
So, I was tired of that, but I felt it was good a little far from downtown.
There was able to walk at my own pace and a lot of nature, it was good for me.
And then, there were unknown birds a lot and hold vegan market.
Maybe, that time was most fun thing in Canada.
Besides, today was sunny for the first time since I came in Vancouver.
It was possible the reason affect me.
But, When I need to go to the toilet in the middle of way, was there nothing a public lavatory in vancouber?
I thought like that, that was close, I was gonna shit myself.
I really surprised that there is no restroom.
I thought it is good convenient in Japan about restroom more than Canada.
Then Vancouver’s restroom stall has a bottom gap in the door that if someone wanted to peek, he would be able to peek.
When I used the restroom stall, I realized that thing and it was surprised.
Is it contremeasures to drug?

Then, I went to vancouver’s library, I dropped by grocery store and was shopping in the store for 20 minutes on my way home from the library.
I bought a minute maid orange 1L and an egg sandwich, but there was no size pet bottle I needed and I was surprised that the sandwich was 500 yen because if it was sold in Japan, it would be sold less than half price.
I tried buying it like I’m still in Japan and I realized it was more than 2 times price.
No wonder there left a lot.
外で車の荷物を片していたので「can I help you?」って聞いたけど大丈夫って言ってたからそのまま自室に戻って買ったサンドイッチとミニッツメイド飲んで寝た
When I went back to the homestay, host mother just got back.
Since she visited host father in hospital, so she had been out of town for 2 days.
In the while I spended free.
She was unloading something from the back of the car in front of the garage, I talked with courage “Can I help you?”.
But, she answered “No, thanks”, so I went back to my room, I ate sandwich and drank the minute maid orange that I bought in afternoon, then I went to bed.