Since I work hard stretch yesterday, my shoulders got better.
Today free trial lesson was I should arrive until 8:45 am, I left the homestay house with time to spare.
Today weather looks worse than yesterday.
Then, Since I was checking a language school where is, so I was able to arrive at the school without I lost a way to the school.
I finish going to the front desk and I was waiting for a minutes, because a counselor has not yet arrived.
When the counselor made it just in time for starting counseling, but I looked her appearance like almost foreigner.
Then, I exchange greetings with her in English lightly, she suddenly talked in Japanese fluently, I was surprised.
Her appearance was not Japanese perfectly, so I wasn’t able to recognize at first, but I heard she was mixed-race.
After that, I was showed into a class that I took a free trial lesson.
This time of the lesson were a lot Japanese in the class who looks like around the same age or a little younger than me.
Since I was surrounded Japanese and I took the class relaxed, so my mind recovered.
This class was second to last, but a teacher was beautiful.
I have taken 3 trial lesson, this teacher was most beautiful.

I was honestly the best impression this school among until language school I was taking a free trial lesson.
Because there were no comparing comparative things a lot, but the teacher was beautiful, so the school is taking the lead in my mind.
However, I was thinking that I went to language school in Firipin for several months, so I will take free trial lessons again in vancouver after that.
The school I took the lesson will not get cheaper even though use an agency, I heard.
It’s important to listen to local people.
I was going to use working holiday to go overseas by the end of the year, but I was thinking at this time it is impossible.
Because, first overseas was a shock to me.
I wasn’t able to speak English more than I thought, I was really depressed.
Then, I was went back to front desk and I took an language school explanation for the mixed-race counselor, but a Japanese counselor joined the explanation in the middle way, so the conversation was flowing and went off the track.
There were almost nothing public lavatory in Canada, if there were a public lavatory, it would be dirty, I heard.
Besides, restroom in the shops are unavailable to use it because the door is locked, souvenirs were expensiver to buy at airport, the same souvenior selled at London Drag, and I got to have it printed out about a shop where has good poutine.
The mixed-race counselor and japanese counselor taught me about like that, so the evaluation of this school went up in my mind without related the lesson.

But I didn’t go the restaurant they taught me after consultation, because I want to need go restroom and I went to vancouver’s library.
Since the top floor is usually empty, so my favorite restroom.
店内に入ると持ち帰りか店内で食べるかって聞かれていたんだと思うんだけど、in shop的なことを伝えたら席に自由に座ってねって言われた気がするので座った
When I head home, I watched Japanese restaurant several time near the library, I want to eat japanese food in the while for the first time and I tried to enter into the restaurant of oversea for the first time.
When I enter the restaurant, a staff asked me “Will you be eating here or taking out?”, I wasn’t able to listen well, but probably I thought he said like that.
So, I said like “In shop”, probably he said “Please have a seat where you like”, then I sitted down a seat where I like.
Numbered tags was on the wall in front of the each seat.
Probably, I thought staffs distinguished customers by the numbered tag.
Then, the staff handed over a menu to me, I saw that and I ordered a set meal.
I got the set meal after ordered few minutes later, but I didn’t get the bill from the staff at that time, so I didn’t know how to pay and I was eating it while I looked around other customer.
However, I felt really good eating rice and miso soup for the first time in a while.
I was deeply moved, because I hadn’t eaten Japanese food since coming here.
Then, I thought I want to return to Japan soon.
When I arrived homestay house, I asked host mother “My homestay is now finished as of today, isn’t it?”, she answered “Yes, since today is last, so I will serve a dinner for you without money”
So, I have been decided to eat dinner 2 times in this day.

I had eaten too much for the first time since I came in Canada, I was stuffed.
When the dinner, I talked with a french who is a satymate joining after me, he like Japan and he has a experience going Japan.
So, I tried to initiate a conversation for him, but we didn’t communicate very well.
Why I didn’t communicate well?
I didn’t feel that way with the other staymates at the conversation, but the conversation with him was didn’t well.
Probably, the cause is I felt he didn’t react so much.
When He knew I and he were same age, he was surprised with straight face “Oh!” and he keep staring me.
And then, I heard he like japanese animation, so talked him I like it too.
But, he kept straight face and staring me, I didn’t end up knowing it was correct how to answered.
After that, I took shower and I went to bed at 22 o’clock.
Since I came in Vancouver, I was usually early to bed and early to rise, but probably if I return to Japan, I would be getting back late to bed and to late to rise.