Goodbye to my first homestay.
Since Today was I left the homestay house, I got up at 8 am, I prepared for packing and I left at 9 am.
My staymates were almost going out, there were less than half of all staymates, then hostmother was also going out.
I was leaving in the situation, but I thought it was good that I was able to make my farewell greeting to a remaining staymate.
However, I didn’t know how many staymates since I came here, because there were more and more.
Nevertheless, I would be going to a language school today.
But, the school didn’t take a free trial lesson, so I planed that I would be given a tour of the school by the school staff.
I was taking an appointment at noon and I took my time going to the school.
The language school was a little far from the downtown of Vancouber, so I got on a train and I arrived at a building.
The school was one floor of the building, but I wasn’t able to find front desk, I was losing in the floor a little.
I managed to find a room looking like the front desk and I asked, but I saw persons in the room were stupefied face, so I thought I entered into a wrong room.
What the hell was that?

I told a staff that I have an appointment, then a Japanese woman appeared and I got any explanation about this school.
I knew beforehand that this school cheap, but I once again realize the fact that this school was cheaper than other schools after receiving the explanation.
After that, I was shown around in the school, then I left the school.
But, I guess the counselor has no occasion she speak japanese, she kept speaking at me.
But, personally I think this school was best.
Because it was cheapest in the schools I went and there was especially no crowded around the school which was far from the downtown, so I felt it was best.
Finally, my school tour in Vancouver ended today.
As my feeling after finished, I wonder if I only took trial lesson at language schools in Vancouver area, I would be able to learn 3-4 days a week for a month without to pay money.
But, I might be added to like a blacklist.
Then, I went to new homestay house where I spend for 3 days from today, but I heard I couldn’t enter the house unless after 5 pm.
So, I was killing time going library, then I went to homestay house.
Nevertheless, I was almost arriving earlier than my scheduled time, so I decided to walk from a station to the homestay house.
I was just thinking I wanted to look a streetscape because it was sunny today.
It was different way between downtown and here, downtown has good road like paved, but here has bad road that there weren’t paved road a lot, so I was tired pulling my baggage.
I took 20 minutes arriving the house.
When previous homestay, the host mother just going out of an entrance, our eyes met, but I could ring a doorbell at this time.
Then, a asian girl came out of the house who like teens or early twenties.
Of course, I wasn’t able to listen what she said, so I used body language when speaking, then I showed into the house, she taught me about my room and the house rulues.
when she taught me, She reminded me of a girl who is my childhood friend.
Points of similarity between she and my childhood were caring and considerate, then a room wear was lame.
Besides, she listened carefully my broken English without showing any displeasure.

I received through the house rules explanation, then I paid an accommodation fee.
I found out later that she was older sister in host family, her parents were going somewhere for vacation, I heard.
I was surprised that the parents were leaving behind the only children, because there were some people visiting for homestay in the house.
So I wonder didn’t the parents worried about that?
But, the house was completely separated between 1 floor and 2 floor.
If I was going to go up 2 floor or go down 1 floor, I would need to have a password, then the host family were living in 2 floor, persons who were staying 1 floor didn’t know the passsword to enter the 2 floor.
So it seemed it was no problem about safety.
Plus, there were a lot of security cameras.
By the way, I was staying 2 floor.
And then, a younger brother of host family came in the house, so I was greeting him and he returned a greeting, but it bothered me that he had a nose hair sticking out.
So, I couldn’t memorize his words at all.
I heard from the sister that their is 1 guest other than me in the 2 floor, when I was unpacking my stuff, I heard footsteps andI went out of my room.
Their was standing a man who was long hair, wearing like a nightwear and having a lifeless look in his eyes.
I was really surprized.

いつも通りたどたどしく「I’m … stay … today … homestay」から自己紹介したら「アナタニホンジンデショ」って日本語しゃべってきた
I introduced myself as always in broken English “I’m … stay … today … homestay”.
He answered in Japanese “Are you japanese?”.
What the hell!!!!
I was really surprised.
I heard from the sister that the younger brother is able to speak Japanese, but he couldn’t speak more than I thought.
So, I was disappointed, but there was the person who is good speaking in Japanese.
His named Soohyun.
When I listen to his, he came here to graduate a university in Canada, it was no doubt because I lisetend in Japanese.
When I was a student, there was a classmate of korean, he came Japan to escape military service.
I wonder he was same reason.
When we were talking, I asked him how to use a washing machine because it was free.
He answered in Japanese “Let’s go!” and we went to a laundry room of 1 floor, but he didn’t know how to use it because he was also staying in the home stay from today.
Then, he went asked other staymates of 1 floor because the 1 floor and 2 floor are connected with a laundry room in between.
And then, we were explained the way to use it by a staymate and we could use it.
Soohyun was not just spoke Japanese and korean well, he was able to speak English, it was surprised and I appreciated to him.
I have had a lot of experience that I faced I wasn’t able to speak English well since I came here.
So I totally lost my confidence, I can’t lose it any more.
I wasn’t able to use washing machine at previous homestay, so I putted my unwashed clothes and underwear the washing machine.
I was able to do my washing thanks to Soohyun.
It took 2 hour at washer and dryer, it took longer than I expected.
But the dryer was very useful, Now I want it.
My most problem was a little underwear I was able to wear, but it solved because I had washed underwears, so I won’t be no trouble wearing underwear until arriving Japan.
It was stressed for me to wear same underwear 2-3 days.
The first day of My 2nd homestay life was like that, I think it was best about homestay environment, almost hotel.
The siblings are almost in each room, so We don’t meet in the house.
Since Soohyun is able to speak Japanese, I don’t feel anxious.
All that’s left are to buy souvenir and go back to Japan.
I think I don’t need 10 days for my travel, it was enough a week really I thought.