

My stress is really going straight this week.
I don’t know what I’m saying.

Honestly, I don’t understand why I’m feeling too much stress, what is this feeling…
I could know that when the stress reach a certain line, I can’t understand to feel stressed about what.

I feel a stabbing pain in my stomach by stress, what is this name of a disease…

No way, It’s a cold!?

According to my sources, there was a cold of stomach.

Actually, I have any idea that I have been feeling weak lately since I went to a Korean barbeque with only male of coworker and our boss.

If I thought I get food poisoning? I didn’t grill meat well?
Other member of went to Korean barbeque have been nothing special so far, so I think it is different from food poisoning…

It’s not that I have no stress completely, so I think the cause are the stress and a cold.
I took medicine after that, then I recovered from a stabbing pain in my stomach.
I could know clearly I feel stress for what.

I am the only one so far who is full-time programer in the company, so I’m assigned too much responsibility.
That time, it needs programing skiil, but there is no one else but me as a full-time programer in the company.
In the end, I feel too much stress, because I deal with a problem of programing by myself.

I was assigned a website that is very moving things with javascript.
I have never created like this website.
Plus, there is a famous company involved.
So, I have too much resposibility.

I’m getting to stab a pain in my stomach.

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